Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control books 1-3 now free to download
The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Australasia Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control (BPESC) books are now available online for FREE download!
The BPESC is an essential reference for anyone preparing ESC plans or responsible for the management, implementation or inspection/auditing of ESC onsite. Until recently the books 1 to 3 where only available for purchase in printed form.
1-Introduction, 2-Principles of erosion and sediment control, 3-Site planning, 4-Design standards and technique selection, 5-Preparation of plans, 6-Site management, 7-Site inspection, 8-Bibliography
Book 2: Appendices A–G (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)
A-Construction site hydrology and hydraulics, B-Sediment basin design and operation, C-Soils and revegetation, D-Example plans, E-Soil loss estimation, F-Erosion hazard assessment, G-Model code of practice
Book 3: Appendices H–N (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)
H-Building sites, I-Instream works, J-Road and rail construction, K-Access tracks and trails, L-Installation of services, M-Erosion processes, N-Glossary of terms
(Prepared by Grant Witheridge of Catchments & Creeks Pty Ltd)
Features of Books 1, 2 & 3 include:
Clearly defined principles of erosion and sediment control.
Guidelines on soil sampling, sample density, and testing requirements.
Site planning checklist.
Recommended drainage control standard, erosion control standard, and sediment control standard.
Rainfall and monthly erosivity values for prominent towns and cities across Australia.
Guidelines on the selection of temporary drainage, erosion and sediment control measures.
24-step procedure for the development of Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
108 example technical notes for use within Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
Detailed checklist for assessing Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
Example “weekly” and “detailed” site inspection checklists.
Two methods for assessing the potential erosion hazard of a work site
Four model codes of practice: general construction, building sites, instream works, and installation of services.
250 example Development Approval Conditions, for use in the management of land-disturbing activities.
Best practice procedures for the performance of instream construction and maintenance activities.
A big thank you to Grant Witheridge who has authored the BPESC and contributed significantly to the industry in whole.