Thank you to the IECA Australasia Conference Team!
A big thanks to the organisers, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers of the recent IECA - International Erosion Control Association Australasia Annual Conference in Queenstown, NZ. It’s always a fantastic opportunity to meet and catch up with our fellow professionals in the ESC space, share experiences and discuss recent innovations and projects, and especially check out what our Kiwi friends have been up too.
It was an exciting time for Topo, with our very own Ronald Kleijn presenting design and experience with Type E sediment basins, and Tom Bailey discussing innovations in automatic sediment basin dosing over the past decade. Terry Clark also attended on behalf of IECA.
A massive congratulations to all the winners in the 2024 IECA Environmental Excellence Awards as well, including Shadforth who were recognised for outstanding contributions to environmental excellence in erosion and sediment control on their SkyRidge project. It’s been a pleasure watching that team overcome incredible challenges over the last few years, and become a model of best practice in the region.
Thankfully, Queenstown turned on the weather for the guys! Who were lucky enough to sneak in a bit of a walk as well.
Tom Bailey presenting
Ronald Kleijn presenting
Tom, Ron and Terry enjoying Queenstown