Unearthing history in Toowoomba
Flood mitigation works are underway in East Creek and West Creek in Toowoomba as part of the Department of Transport and Main Roads greater Warrego Highway Upgrade Program designed to improve community safety, accessibility and flood resilience by providing an upgraded drainage solution to meet a 1-in-50-year flood immunity standard.
During construction an old timber bridge was unearthed within and near the footprint of the proposed works, with works temporarily suspended in those areas and a detailed archaeological investigation undertaken. The East Creek find is particularly interesting as it consists of multiple layers of Toowoomba’s history, the oldest of which is a corduroy bridge dating back to approximately 1845 around the settlement of Toowoomba. On top of this an old timber bridge (est. 1860) was found entirely buried beneath the old, redundant culverts installed through James Street. It is believed that the swamp previously occupying the site area contributed to preserving the organics found, including many lost articles such as boots, belts and other miscellanea. The six 3600x1500mm reinforced concrete box culverts to be installed at this location could be considered an evolution of the many drainage/bridge works installed at this site over the last 175 years.
Topo were engaged to provide advice on suitable sediment, drainage and erosion controls to be adopted during these transitional times to allow for archaeological investigations while maintaining water quality and facilitating construction/drainage works in accessible areas.
Image Source: abc.net.au